Out of the Mouths of Babes. The Incredible Power of a Child's Prayer

I've been a pastor for many years, now and at the end of most Sunday morning services during what we call the "Response Time", we invite the worshipers to come forward and bow in prayer to offer petitions to God. Sometimes I get that sweet pastoral privilege of accompanying them as they approach the throne room of the Almighty. All I can think in a moment like that is how humbled I am to do so. As special as that is, there are few things more precious to me than when a child comes forward and asks for prayer. 

Adults occasionally will fidget a bit when the little ones begin to move from their place toward the front especially if it is their little one coming. I doubt it's because they disapprove...I think it probably is because they may think it puts me in the awkward position of praying for childish, or trivial things.You know, prayers that might best be prayed quietly from their over-sized cloth seats or perhaps scribbled in crayon on the prayer card. Truth is, It gives me the chance to know how Jesus felt about little ones approaching Him. Of course, He loved it. Even rebuked some close friends for trying to slow them down. So, what else would we feel besides elation and humility, right?! It is such a cool moment. Prayers so genuine...so innocent...so simple...so heart-warming...so beautiful. I thought I'd share a few of the whispers with you. Pretty sure you will enjoy it as much as I did!...

And so with a child-like faith in their hearts...and a few tears in my eyes...we bow...and we pray.