If You Only Live Once Then You'd Better Make It Count!

The popular acronym "YOLO" has faded now, but not too long ago it was a trending idiom. I agree with it, of course. You really do "only live once". Morbid as it may sound, we all have a standing appointment with death (Hebrews 9:27) and will one unknown day, shuffle off this mortal coil as our souls fly to divergent destinations.So how should we live our lives if we only get one shot at this? Here are four ways to invest your life so that it counts for what really matters:

1. Tell your story - Jesus told us we are the salt of the earth. "This salt is delicious!" said no one...EVER! The funny thing about salt is it has a terrible flavor all its own. It is only when you put it on edibles in proper amounts that it serves its purpose as it draws out the exquisite flavor of the food.The same is true of your life. You have a story to tell that no one else can tell, and that story is the salt that flavors the bigger more savory story of Jesus.Tell it!

2. Invest in people, not things - There is a parable in the Bible (Luke 12:13-21) about a man who put all of his efforts into gaining material wealth, thinking he had many years to enjoy what he had accumulated. Problem was he was about to die and would never get the chance to benefit from the stuff in his big fat barns. The point is that things do not matter...people do. Your stuff will turn to dust one day but souls of men are everlasting. Be sure to invest eternally in what will last from this earth. Make things like relationship, community, service, kindness and generosity your top priority and forget your bottom line.

3. Know to Whom you belong - We did nothing to come into being on this planet. It was pretty effortless on our part. We simply are because God ordained it. Recently I spoke to a pretty special group of young people and reminded them that they were not just made "by God" but also "for God" (Colossians 1:16). It really matters how we live our lives because we are not our own. We are simply stewards of what has been entrusted to us. If you remember at all times that you are the possession of a Beautiful Creator, it will change your daily "to do" list and set your priorities on pleasing the One Who made you in His image.

4. Pray ALWAYS! - Prayer is so amazing for so many reasons. It is more than just asking God for things. It is the soul's daily admission of inadequacy...a longing and a groaning for something better than this world can offer. Prayers do not have to be long or eloquent. They simply have to be a sincere and heartfelt cry from a grateful soul in need of a Savior. Make prayer a daily habit and watch as God changes you from the inside out.