Active Duty

We all run into several people every single day that need Jesus.  Think of the last time you bought a car.  Did you notice how you saw your car everywhere the very next day?  There weren’t more of them, you just started to notice them more.  This is called “reticular activation”.  We are bombarded with millions of stimuli every day and we must constantly screen them based on our needs for that particular moment in time. When we do this we simply do not see the things that are not important to us.

The reason I tell you this is because you’ll find that what you look for in will find.  If you look for people with which to share the love of Christ you will be amazed that there are so many around you!  Let's not only open our eyes, but also our ears. Listen for the language of those who need grace, mercy, peace, joy, hope and you will hear a sweet sweet sound. It is the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding us of His commission to us to go...and to tell of His love for the world.

Matthew 28:19 begins with the word "GO". It is literally translated " you are going, go". So as you are going about your day listen and watch for those around you that need Jesus. They are not hard to find...if we are in tune with the Spirit.