Big Thumbs and Little Keyboards

I have noticed that I keep making the same mistake as I tap out a text on my phone. To be fair, its a small keyboard and I have big fingers. One of the more commonly used words for a text messaging minister is the word "Sunday". From time to time I hit the "i", which of course is right next to the "u", and completely change the essence of my encouraging little message.

I assure you I have no intention of telling the people of the church that their pastor is "getting ready for an exciting Sinday"...and why in the world does auto-correct not catch that one? I also on occasion type out "Subday" but that's a post for another time.

Seriously though, God hates sin. As believers we must know that there is no room for it within our hearts. Oh, there is grace to be sure...plenty of room for grace. But that cannot be a license for continuing misdeeds. Christ wants to deal with our inmost being in this matter...all the little corners that want to stay tucked away. Hidden nooks that insist they are not really all that bad...whispering "I could be worse you know". They really couldn't.

Besides, that is not the way of the Maker of our hearts. He searches it until every cryptic cranny is exposed...every piece, every portion every wedge is dealt with. He does His wonderful work until repentance becomes a way of life. Do we welcome His renovating efforts? Do we receive with gratitude the chastisement of the Lord? There is no hiding the misdeeds. Who would we be fooling even if we tried? What would we gain if we did? Some little miserable morsel for the flesh to feast upon?

No. That is the bothersome stuff of which He is ridding our hearts. The bits and pieces that prevent us from knowing Him. So He purges...with fire if necessary. The process can be painful to be sure. Much confession must come. Much disclosure. Not just to God, but many times to people with skin on. People we love. People who have become collateral damage in a spiritual battle for the possession of our hearts. But let us press on no matter the cost. Let Jesus do His work. He made us. He loves us...and His plan for purity will bring us unimaginable joy.